2015년 12월 11일 금요일


People make mistakes. But they do not necessarily need to be stigmitazed for that. Pregnancy is one of the cases. A woman might get pregnant for failed contraception or just for mistake and she should have a choice of what to do with it, because that is a part of her body and the baby would change her entire life. If abortion is banned, she would have no choice but giving birth to it. The baby is unwanted and could be raised by an unprepared mother or single mother. He is likely to turn out to be an  emotionally ill or unstable person due to the lack of  proper parenting. Also when she cannot access to legal and professionally-performed abortion, she is likely to end up in suffering from maternal injury or death caused by unsafe and illegal abortion. Thus it is safe to say that for the sake of her health and baby's happiness abortion should be legalized at all level.

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